Imperial Parish 3-D Seismic & Drilling Program
The area of the proposed 3-D shoot is located in the updip Frio of South Louisiana, and along the oil rich Sparta-Wilcox trend of South Louisiana. These formations along with the Cockfield(Yegua) have excellent reserve potentials within the proposed 3-D area. The surrounding fields are some of the last large, major producing fields without 3-D. Numerous leads and prospects have been identified in the area of interest by subsurface and 2-D seismic lines.
The major fields have produced from several Frio sands, four different Cockfield sands, two Sparta sands, and one well from the Upper Wilcox sand. Imperial Parish, South Louisiana, 3-D Program is on trend with numerous oil and gas fields that produce from these prospective zones. Fields have produced several million barrels of oil from the Frio, most notably the Thompson sand at 9200’. It has produced from several stratigraphic shallow frio sands, and the Cockfield sands have been almost exclusively stratigraphic, and produced in excess of 150 BCF and 5.5 MMBC. The Sparta(Rozas sand) has produced in excess of 110 BCF and 2MMBC. The Sparta “A” sand, definitely stratigraphic, has produced 1 MMBO+.
Sparta-Wilcox trend which occurs between 11,000’ and 13,000’ within the proposed area of the 3-D shoot has produced major reserves from the Reddell-Pine Prairie, Mamou, Beacon’s Gully, and Andrepont Fields to the west and Fordoche, Lottie, and Frisco to the east. Subsurface control and 2-D seismic across the northern portion of the area indicate down to the north faulting that sets up untested structures and fault blocks. Detailed subsurface on the Cockfield sands shows the stratigraphy of this zone, which with good 3-D and AVO, will prove extremely valuable in defining untapped reserves from these high potential reservoirs. Most of these objectives require no protection pipe in order to test, which substantially increases the economic return on exploration and development drilling costs.
The Wilcox and deep Wilcox has been largely unexplored because of the lack of 3-D, but is a potentially huge source of hydrocarbons due to new technology involving fracking. There are areas within the proposed 3-D that offer Upper thru Lower Wilcox as well as deeper Cretaceous potential with sizeable undrilled acreage. The reserves could be in the hundreds of BCF to TCFs along with liquids in the millions of barrels. One well within the prospective area produced 1.25 BCF and 157,593 BC from the Upper Wilcox. The Cretaceous section is capable of “Gulf of Mexico offshore” potential reserves (see pages 7 through 15, included herein)
In summary, all of the objectives are no pipe tests, except for the Sparta and Wilcox in the southern part of the shoot, and the mid to Deep Wilcox section as well as the Cretaceous formations. The introduction of 3-D seismic across the area should be invaluable in defining structures and amplitudes for all objectives and define subtle and low relief features which could lead to field extensions or new fields. Acreage is currently being acquired for the project and if you and your company would like a detailed showing of the project, please do not hesitate to contact one of the following, as a CA will be required. Additionally, deal terms and technical data acquisition parameters will be made available upon request.
The fields to be imaged have produced from multiple Frio, Cockfield, Sparta, and Wilcox zones. The fields are on trend with numerous oil and gas fields that produce from these prospective zones. These fields have produced billions of cubic feet of gas and tens of millions of barrels of oil, yet remain largely underdeveloped. The Imperial Parish 3-D encompasses one of the last non 3-D acquired areas in South Louisiana. We anticipate that we will be a significant part of the reemergence of a significant industry occurrence.
It is proposed that the investor parties participate in a multi-client, 3-D program covering approximately 100 square miles, within the area as defined by maps included within. Acquisition of the 3-D data can be completed/operated by Saur Minerals, L.L.C. and its partners, as well as the drilling and completion of the interpreted prospects however, seismic and drilling operations are available to the multi-client or joint venture investor.
Projected Reserves:
*Calculated @ $70 BO and $4.50 MCFG*
22,195,000 MMBO X $70 BO = $1,553,650,000
7935 BCFG X $4.50 MCFG =$35,707,500
Total: $11,636,800,000 (Bridwell PUD Prospect included)
Seismic, Drilling & Completion Costs +/- : $66,923,000
(Seismic $8.878 MM / Drill & Complete $58.045MM)
173.8834 ROI (Terms available upon request)
♦ Copyright 2007-2025 Saur Minerals, LLC ♦ Lafayette, LA ♦